Here you will find all of the work we have done on our unit covering Growth and Changes in Animals.  I will try to include a brief explanation of the lesson, as well as any worksheets we have used.

Remember that the lesson plans are found on the grade 2 page.

Note: has removed the videos that were being used, if you go to the site and do a search in their video section, there are still many interesting animals videos.


Lesson 1




We started our new unit by looking in a series of books.  These books are titled "Nature's Children" and they show a lot of pictures of animals, both young and old.  Each book focuses on one or two animals.  As we looked through the books we were to find pictures of a baby and adult of the same species.  We looked at the two for similarities and differences.  We also thought about what characteristics defined that particular animal.


Lesson 2





At the start of class today we watched a video about mammals.  We were informed that the first half of our unit was going to involve a series of videos, each describing and showing a different type of animal.  The videos we are watching are all videos that can be streamed online from  After the video we did a word search with 33 different mammals in it.

Video (no longer online, sorry)               Word Search               Answers


Lesson 3

Mammals Work




Today's lesson began with a quick review of what we saw on our mammals video, then a short reading of some information about mammals.  We then went to work on our mammals worksheet.  This will be the procedure we will follow for the other categories of animals as well.  The key is that we need to be looking at the characteristics that make a mammal a mammal.  This will be the same as we look at each group, we need to know what makes them different.

Information               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 4




Today we watched our second video from  The topic today was birds.  When we were done the video we discussed some of the interesting things we saw.  The remainder of the class was filled with a bird labelling sheet.

Video (no longer online, sorry)               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 5

Birds Work



Once we had done a review on the birds video, we did a short reading of some information about birds.  We then went to started our birds worksheet.

Information               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 6




Our topic for the next two lessons is insects.  Similar to mammals and birds, we started with a video, and followed with a discussion and a short worksheet.

Video (no longer online, sorry)               Worksheet               Answers

*Note, the video does talk about insect reproductive organs and mating.  This part was skipped in class because it is not necessary for us to learn at this point.

Lesson 7

Insects Work



We reviewed the cool parts of the insects video, and then did our insect reading.  Following that we filled in our insects worksheet.

Information               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 8




Our next animal group we are focusing on is reptiles.  Just like the others, we started with a video, and followed with a discussion and a short worksheet.

Video (no longer online, sorry)               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 9

Reptiles Work



We talked about the cool parts of the reptiles video, and then did our reptiles reading.  After we were done, we filled in our reptiles worksheet.

Information               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 10






Today we watched our last video in this series of animal videos.  This video was a bit different than the others, in that it covered both fish and amphibians.  When we were done the video we talked about what we had seen.  We then had two worksheet we could choose from to work on.  One was labelling fish, the other was a comparison between reptiles and amphibians.

Video (no longer online, sorry)         Amphibians Worksheet         Amphibians Answers

Fish Worksheet               Fish Answers


Lesson 11

Amphibians Work



We started today's class by listening to some information about amphibians.  We then did our information page on amphibians.

Information               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 12

Fish Work



To wrap up our animal classification work we finished with fish.  We read a little information on fish, and then we completed our fish information sheet.

Information               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 13

Practise Test



We used today's period to study for our upcoming test.  We did this by writing a practise test.  We used just over half of the period to write the test, and then we took up the answers.  Our test will be next week, so we got to bring home our practise test to help us prepare.

Practise Test               Answers               Parent Note


Lesson 14



We used today's period to go through all of our worksheets, taking up the answers and discussing any points that may have been confusing.


Lesson 15

Animal Games



To get some extra practise for our test, we went outside and played games.  That's correct, we played games.  The games we played were animal based, and allowed us to discuss features of the animals as we played.

Animal Games


Lesson 16



Today's period was used to write our test on animals.



Lesson 17



We finished working on our test today.  When done, there was a word search on the back that we worked on.


Lesson 18




At the start of class we were given some information on butterflies.  We read through the info alone, and then as a class (I can't post the reading, so I posted a video instead).  Once we were all butterfly experts we were given a worksheet, on which we recorded some information about butterflies.  We were able to use our reading sheet for reference.

Video               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 19





To start today's class we watched a video on Metamorphosis, but before it started we were told that we would need to pay extra special attention because there would be a competition after the video.  When the video was done we got with a partner and received a sheet with questions on it.  We raced to be the first group to correctly answer all of the questions.

Video (no longer online, sorry)               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 20

Adaptations / Helpful Animals / Hurtful Animals






Our next lesson involved doing a webquest over three periods.  The class was divided into three groups, and each group was assigned a different topic on each of the three days.  We were given a set of worksheets that contained work for each period.  We were then shown a webpage that we were to navigate to find all of the information.  All of our instructions were on that webpage.


Adaptations Worksheet               Adaptations Answers

Helpful Animals Worksheet               Helpful Animals Answers

Hurtful Animals Worksheet               Hurtful Animals Answers


Lesson 21

Design an Animal






Our last task of the unit was to design our very own animal.  We were allowed to be as creative as we wanted, but we had to remember all of the things we learned.  For our animal, we were to name it, describe it and draw it.  But, we also had to categorize it (mammal, bird, etc) and explain some features of the animal, and why it had adapted to have those features.  We also were to think about how our animal interacts with humans, what its environment was like and what it would eat.  After all of this was explained we were given a recording sheet and got to work.  We worked on this for the remainder of the period, as well as one more.  We then had the chance to present our animal to the class.



This concludes our unit on Growth and Changes in Animals.