Here you will find all of the work we have done on our unit covering Air and Water in the Environment.  I will try to include a brief explanation of the lesson, as well as any worksheets we have used.

Remember that the lesson plans are found on the grade 2 page.


Lesson 1




We started our unit be discussing that we are going to be learning about air and water.  We related this to what we had previously learned about liquids and gases.  As a group we then brainstormed a list of things that we could use to represent air and water.  all of these things were written out on chart paper with the heading "Air and Water in the Environment."  Using that list as reference we made a title page for our unit.


Lesson 2

Movement and Energy



At the start of class a series of pictures were laid our for us to see.  We were then presented with the challenge of figuring out something that was common to all of the pictures - they all move!  We talked about the movement in each picture and the concept that this movement comes from energy.  Our worksheet today was a fill in the blanks note.  We took up the answers at the end of class.

Pictures               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 3

Finding Movement




Out for a walk today.  We quietly wondered the halls, stopping at multiple locations to sit and observe.  For our observations we were looking for things that move.  We stopped at the second floor windows, the gym and the office/library.  As we were at each of these locations we wrote down things that we saw moving.  When we returned to class we tried to determine the type of energy that made each of these things move.



Lesson 4

Things That Use Air and Water Energy



Today we kept with our concept of movement and energy, but we brought in the air and water on which we will be focusing.  We used the computers, and on Kidpix we drew something that uses air of water energy to move.  After drawing, we printed our picture and glued it to a worksheet.  We then explained what we had drawn.  For those of us who finished early we had a wordsearch we worked on.



Lesson 5

Natural vs Man-Made




We started by hearing the words "Natural" and "Man-Made" and we tried to guess at what they mean.  After discussing it as a class we determined that Natural means something that would exist without humans and Man-Made is something that would not exist without humans.  We then classified the types of energy that we know about into natural energy (wind, water, wood, solar) and man-made energy (gasoline, oil, natural gas).  On our worksheet today we had to sort things into natural and man-made.

Teacher Questions               Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 6

Renewable vs Non-Renewable





Our discussion today started with a car, and the fact that a car uses gasoline to move.  We took that one step further and discussed what happens to the gasoline after it is used - it is burned and can not be used again.  We then had a similar conversation about a windmill using air to spin.  When the wind is used to make the windmill work it does mean that the wind is gone forever.  Gasoline is a Non-Renewable type of energy.  Non-Renewable energy sources are used up and cannot be replaced.  Wind is not used up, it is a Renewable energy.  Renewable energy sources are not used up and can be replaced.  We used our worksheet today to sort types of energy into renewable and non-renewable.

Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 7

The Wind Cycle








To start class there was a fan sitting on a desk.  We discussed what we use a fan for (to move air) and how it works (electricity spins a motor that has shaped blades attached to it, the blades pull the air through and we feel the air).  We then talked about wind being moving air as well (but it does not need electricity).  This led us to a discussion on how wind is formed:
  1. Sun heats the air.
  2. Hot air rises.
  3. Cool air moves into fill the space.
  4. This moving air is wind.

On our worksheet we labelled a diagram showing the wind cycle and wrote a paragraph explaining it.

Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 8

Water Cycle Video



Today we watched a video:  Bill Nye the Science Guy - The Water Cycle.  After the video was over we took the time to discuss some of the key learning and interesting points (have you had a glass of dinosaur split today?)  I managed to find the video on youtube, but it is in three parts.

Video Part 1               Video Part 2               Video Part 3


Lesson 9

The Water Cycle







We reviewed the video from last class, we talked about the fact that the water we have today is the same water that was on earth millions of years ago, we talked about precipitation being water falling from the sky, and we talked about the water cycle:
  1. Water evaporates from lakes, ponds, etc and from green plants.
  2. Water vapour rises to the clouds.
  3. Precipitation then falls back to earth
  4. The water gathers into lakes, ponds, etc and is taken into plants.

We took some extra time to discuss how water is released from plants into the air and then we started on our worksheet.  Similar to the wind cycle, we labelled a diagram and wrote a note about the water cycle.

Worksheet               Answers


Lesson 10

Wood Energy




Our unit of study is air and water, however we looked at wood today because both air and water play an important role in the life cycle of a tree.  Trees use water for growth, and also they release water vapour into the air as part of the water cycle.  Trees "breath" in carbon dioxide and "breath" out oxygen, which we need to survive.  Air also helps trees by spreading seeds for new growth.  We documented these facts on our worksheet and cut out some pictures to show the life cycle of a tree.

Worksheet               Cut-Outs               Answers


Lesson 11

Pinwheels - Build and Play



Over the next two periods we will be building pinwheels.  Our first step was to colour the panels on a template.  We then cut out he panels to form the blades.  Our last step was to use a push pin to attach the pinwheel to a piece of jinx-wood.  Once we were done making the craft we took some time to play with it.  We were encouraged to find multiple ways to make it spin.



Lesson 12

Pinwheels - Questions





Today we were to document some of our discoveries with the pinwheels we made last class.  We started by talking about what we did and what we were able to make the pinwheels do.  We then sat down with a series of questions.

Worksheet               Answers

Quiz - We will be having a quiz at the start of lesson 14.  Today a note went home with all of the quiz questions.  Make sure you study.



Lesson 13








We used today's lesson to review the material we have covered so far.  The topics we discussed were:
  • How things more - energy
  • Types of energy that can cause movement - wind, water, etc
  • Things that use wind and water energy
  • Natural vs man-made
  • Renewable vs non-renewable
  • The wind cycle
  • The water cycle
  • Wood energy

We used the remaining time in class for studying our worksheets and quizzing each other.


Lesson 14



Today we wrote our quiz.  The quiz took most of the period, but any left over time was used to get caught up on any incomplete work.


Lesson 15

Melting and Evaporation




We started today by going outside and collecting snow in plastic cups.  When we came back into the school we watched our snow melt in the cup as we discussed melting.  We then used this concept to set up an experiment involving evaporation.  We put 100 ml of water in 7 graduated cylinders and then covered them with a variety of materials (plastic wrap, paper towels, etc).  We then predicted how much water would be left if we let it sit on the window ledge for one week.



Lesson 16

Describing Air and Water





Today's task was to describe air and water.  Before doing so we learned how to describe something fully by looking at a simple image.  This image was of a face with a hand beside it and a light bulb above it.  The image was to represent the five senses (face and hand) and our prior knowledge (the light bulb).  We choose one feature of the image {nose} and answered a questions using that feature {What does air smell like?}  After we finished describing air using that feature we put a checkmark over that part of the diagram.  When the diagram was covered with checkmarks we know we were done.  We used this technique to describe both air and water.  In doing so we discussed the possibility that air and water both have taste, but we are just used to that taste, so we don't notice it.


Lesson 17

Uses for Air and Water



We were not in class today, we were in space!  We landed on a planet, on which there were aliens who could actually speak English.  in talking to them we discovered they did not understand the words air and water.  We tried to explain to them what air and water are by describing them and stating some uses for them.



Lesson 18







Today we revisited our graduated cylinders that have been sitting on the window ledge.  We sat down together and looked at each of them.  In looking at them we discussed how some had evaporated, and others had not.  We then related this to our absorbency experiment we did in our last unit (lesson 18 in Solids and Liquids).  On our prediction sheet from last week we answered some questions about our evaporation experiment.  Finishing up this work took the remainder of this class and most of another.

During today's class we were told that we will be writing a test next week.  We were given a review sheet with all of the things that we have learned about air and water.



Lesson 19

Work Period



We used today's lesson to get caught up on all of our work for this unit.  As we finished out work we also looked at the answer sheets to be sure we had all of the information.  In completing our use of air and water sheet we were shown descriptions of air and water that we could copy.

Air and Water Descriptions


Lesson 20





We used today's period to review for our test next class.  To do this we played Jeopardy!  If you wish to play the Jeopardy game at home you may download it below.  It requires that you have Microsoft PowerPoint on your computer.  The file is quite large, so it will be deleted after we are done this unit.  If you wish to have a copy for yourself, please be sure you save it.

Jeopardy Review


Lesson 21

Unit Test


Today (and the following class) we wrote out unit test on Air and Water in the Environment.  However, this is not the end of our unit, we will continue to look at water for another week or so.


Lesson 22

Water Use








We started today's class by making a list of all the ways we use water at home.  We then discussed how often we did the things on the list.  From there we looked at a pop bottle, so that we could see how much water 2 L is.  We then learned the following stats:
  • Average load of dishes - 8 L - 4 pop bottles
  • Average toilet flush - 20 L - 10 pop bottles
  • Average load of laundry - 120 L - 60 pop bottles
  • Average shower - 160 L - 80 pop bottles

We were then assigned a task, we are to track our water use at home.  We have a tracking sheet that we are to bring home and we are to use it for the next week.  We also have homework for tonight.  For next class we have to count all of the water sources found around our home.  This is all explained in a letter that we brought home today.

Tracking Sheet               Letter


Lesson 23

Water Availability




At the start of class today we discussed our homework - we have many more water sources than we thought.  We were then asked a questions:  "Do you think it is normal to have this many water sources in a home?"  After discussing the question for a while we read a section of a book titled "A Life Like Mine:  how Children Live Around the World."  This book helped put into perspective how lucky we in North America are.  We talked about situations that we had been in where water was not available (camping, long car rides, etc) and tried to compare it to the situations we read about in our book.


Lesson 24

Water Pollution






"Where does water go after we use it?" was the question that started class today.  Water goes down the drain, but we talked about the fact that it is not only water that gets washed down the drain when we use it.  We put soap and dirt down the drain, which pollutes the water.  We talked about the fact that factories cause even more pollution in the way they use water.  To help us understand what can happen when water becomes polluted, we looked at a series of pictures on a webpage.  These pictures showed just how bad water pollution can get.  We finished class by doing a worksheet on water pollution.

Webpage               Worksheet               Answers

Remember to bring your water tracking sheet back to class.


Lesson 25

Water Conservation






Today's two period lesson started by talking about the results of our water tracking activity.  We took a rough average of the results to discover that we use A LOT of water each week, and this is in winter, so we are not filling pools or watering gardens.  After viewing these results, our last task for the unit was to look at water conservation methods.  We were shown an example of a Japanese toilet...yes, a toilet.  Japanese toilets are designed to save water.  We used this example to inspire us to come up with our own idea of a way we could save water, either by changing how something is done, or by inventing something new.  When we were done, we presented our ideas to the class.

Japanese Toilet          Worksheet


This concludes our unit on Air and Water.  Our next unit is Movement.