Ergonomics are design factors intended to maximize productivity by minimizing fatigue and discomfort of the user.


In class we looked at the following images as examples of ergonomics, from the simplicity of making the hose wider to grip, to the complex chair used to provide comfort to all parts of the body, all of these products are designed to make their use more comfortable.





Your assignment is to use the cloud to make an advertisement for a new, ergonomic version, of a product that you find uncomfortable. You may use an existing product, but be sure you reference the criteria to ensure you receive the grade you wish to obtain.





  • You should start by brainstorming ideas and starting a rough draft of your advertisement.

    • You should write out the wording for your advertisement, think of the layout, and find a picture you wish to use.

    • If the rough draft is not done by the end of the first work period, it is homework, to be done prior to the second work period.


  • You will have an entire period, with the computers, to work on your good copy, which should be submitted at the end of that class.

    • Bring your rough draft with you to the second work period.

    • Share your document as soon as it is complete.




Here is the example assignment you saw in science class (click to enlarge).  This example is a level 4, it covers all aspects of the criteria as laid out below.




  • Shows an understanding of ergonomics (graded from basic to advanced, based on written portions)

  • Presents ideas to improve comfort of user (graded based on number of appropriate ideas)



The rubric used for this assignment is a simple check box.  You need to cover the two things listed above, and grading will be done as described.

Student Examples:
  *Click to enlarge